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What do You think, which team will be the champion of Europe on football of 2016?

France - 33%
Germany - 33%
Wales - 17%
Portugal - 17%

In Russia on the first sunday of October is celebrated as teacher's Day. What do you think of your school teachers?

remember with respect, gratitude and warmth - 52%
remember to dislike, and they haven't taught anything good - 14%
don't remember - 34%

In the midst of summer. Where and how you spend/held/'ll be spending the holidays?

At work - 14%
At the dacha /outside the city - 28%
Abroad - 44%
In another city/ region of Russia - 8%
At home - 6%
Do repairs - 0%

It's completing in the world football Cup. What national team do you like most?

I'm not a football fan - 0%
Russia - 0%
Brazil - 12%
Costa Rica - 6%
France - 18%
Germany - 35%
Netherlands - 12%
Belgium - 6%
Argentina - 12%
Columbia - 0%

Came to an end the first phase of the world Cup. Which national team do you support?

No, I am not root, I am not a football fan - 10%
I root for the national team of Russia - 5%
I root for the national team of Brazil - 15%
I root for the national team of Germany - 45%
I root for the national team, which show the most impressive football - 25%

Do you think Ukraine is at civil war or something different is happening there?

Yes. There is a civil war - 20%
No. This is the fight between different authority groups - 27%
No. This is a severance of influence between the West and Russia, where a small part of Ukrainian people is involved - 27%
I don’t understand what is going on in Ukraine - 27%

What do You think, which team will be the champion of Europe on football of 2016?