Some time ago the Internet blew up a new name - Vasya Lozhkin. The artist in whose creativity cats, hares and other living creatures, and also humanoid characters and city views of Kobylozadovsk prevail very ambiguous being shown and not really.
The CATI- center of the "Leancor" Analytical center conducted a telephone survey of adult inhabitants of Yaroslavl. Within our research project we asked respondents the following question: "Imagine that the elections of the mayor of Yaroslavl will take place next Sunday. For which of the flowing candidates would you vote? ". Answers are presented in charts (a telephone survey took place on April 28-30, 2014, sample made 500 people, a statistical error of a sample of ±3,5%).
The CATI- center of Leancor Group has conducted a telephone survey of the population of the Yaroslavl region. Within our research project we asked adult inhabitants of the Yaroslavl region such question: "Imagine that on elections of the Governor of the Yaroslavl region will take place next Sunday. Which of the following candidates would you vote for? ". Answers to it are presented in charts (a telephone survey on March 3-5, 2014, sample made 1035 people).
Barcelona is one of those rare cities which you want to come again to. And once again. And once again. I was there three times. And I want to visit there more and more. It is the rare city where there is a wish if not to live, but to visit often.

Many skilled customers and performers too, often suffer with a choice of a method of research as they know that each method has pluses and minuses. And there is no universal remedy. Usually the people, who are responsible for this type of work, weigh a number of parameters among themselves and do certain assumptions, and try to minimize risks. For someone of the customers the important parameter is the price ("the cheaper"), for someone terms are on the first place("we need it yesterday"), and for the most advanced and serious customers the main parameter is a reliability (objectivity) of data. But reliability usually is more expensive and takes more time. Anyway, it is necessary to do certain calculations, to analyze, compare parameters and to make a final choice, based on a combination of the most various factors and criteria. This resembles the choice of a car: you don't know to make it cheaper, more comfortable at the same time, and quicker, and more reliable … But life is not like it is– it is necessary to pay for something, and to sacrifice something. We want to offer to a professional (and not just professional) public our view of pluses and minuses of various methods both quantitative and qualitative researches in sociology.
Nothing especially important and extraordinary occurred in the Yaroslavl region for the last week. Well, unless of a number of cultural events which were interested the public.
The rumors about resignation of the Governor S. Yastrebov once again were floating around. And again they weren't confirmed.
Понеслось. За последние две недели отмечен вал новых кадровых назначений, которые стремительно стал проводить В.Путин. В первую очередь это касается губернаторского корпуса. Часть губернаторов досрочно слагают свои полномочия с явной надеждой переизбраться нынешней осенью. Путин назначает на должность исполняющих обязанности губернаторов только тех чиновников, в переизбрании которых он уверен.
Ukraine remains the main point of news for Russia. And the further events are going, the more unclear they became to be analyzed. There is no formal logic in it. And, it seems, V. Putin reversed his motion as he made clear with his public, peaceful and emphasized position that he is ready for negotiations with the West and urged supporters of federalization to wait a little with holding referenda on self-determination in Donetsk and Lugansk areas. But referenda took place and it seems that the high appearance (more than 70%) and high support of self-determination of these regions (more than 90%) are recorded.
The main events in the world of policy and economy for the whole world take place in Ukraine now. To be exact in East Ukraine. The number of the cities which openly declare need of federalization of Ukraine grows every day and it is extremely difficult to explain it only by an instigation of Russia.
Nothing especially interesting did occur in the Yaroslavl region the last week. We will notice only two events – the annual report of the Governor S. Yastrebov before deputies of Yaroslavl Regional Duma and May Day holidays. The report of the Governor S. Yastrebov before deputies of Yaroslavl regional Duma took place on April 29. The report abounded with figures, statistics, estimated judgments.
I returned from abroad yesterday. I was in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. I visited eight large cities of Western Europe in total. And in this regard, I would like to share four stories which happened to me there, in an “europes”, and one story which happened to my twelve year old son here, in Russia.
This report I had to read at the “Continuing Grushin" conference of All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center " on February 27, 2014 on section "Regional and local elections 2014-2015: new inquiry, new rules, new strategy".
The Russian actor, the stuntman and the professional bodyguard, the vice-president of the All-Russian Federation for hand-to-hand fight, the main director of the Yaroslavl circus, the media personality and at the same time the person for whom the help to children from orphanages and boarding schools is the most important business. Alik Gulkhanov's destiny is a movement to the purpose, the come true dreams and an example how to achieve without thanking, and to the contrary.
The major events of last week became a ruble collapse in relation to dollar/euro and the last preparations for the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.
The most important events last week took place in Ukraine. And, it seems like we don’t care about them. On the contrary, the central TV channels overtook such psychosis that you think that Kiev is crushed by revolutionary hooligans, the city is almost wiped out, marauders, the murderers, drunken rabble are everywhere.
Nothing really important occurred last week. On a federal level it was possible to note only a two or three really important events – the Gaidar forum and personnel appointments of the Kremlin. In the Yaroslavl region everything turned round the former Governor A.I.Lisitsyn.
The main event of this week is, certainly, Khodorkovsky's release. At first, as though accidentally after the traditional press conference Vladimir Putin dropped a house preparation about Michail Khodorkovsky's possible release. And already next day on December 20 the former oligarch was released from a penal colony and departed by a private plane to Berlin.